Just Moved To A Snowy Area? Follow These Roofing Tips

19 May 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


When you first move into a climate that gets snow, it can take some getting used to. For instance, you have to buy things like snow shovels and snow brushes for your car. In all of this prep and adaptation, don't forget your roof. Maintaining and caring for a roof in a snowy climate is quite a bit different from doing so in a warmer area. Here are some roofing tips you'll want to implement after moving to a snowy location.

Clean your gutters in the late fall.

Gutter cleaning is a good idea everywhere, but it's even more important in areas where there's snowfall. If your gutters are blocked going into winter, then your gutters will hold onto ice, and before long, that ice will edge its way up onto the roof itself. Ice can work its way under shingles and pry them from the roof's surface. So, clean your gutters in late fall before temperatures fall below freezing. If your gutters get clogged frequently, install gutter guards for some extra protection.

Keep a snow rake handy.

A snow rake is a long-handled rake intended for raking snow off the roof. However, you won't have to use this every time it snows. You probably won't even have to use it every winter. But on the occasion that you do get really heavy snow and it does not come sliding off your roof, having a snow rake on hand will be an asset. You can rake the snow off the roof, reducing your risk of collapse or damage to the roof's support beams. You won't be left rushing to the home improvement store to buy one at the last minute.

Have your roof inspected in the spring.

Roof inspections are really important in areas with heavy snow, since snow can cause roof damage that does not become obvious to the average person for a few months. The best time to schedule your inspection is in the spring, once you're pretty sure the snow has passed — but before it gets too rainy. Your roofing contractor can discover issues like loose shingles and lifted nails before they lead to leaks in the spring. 

Your roof works hard, especially if you live in an area prone to heavy snowfall. As such, you need to pay a little extra attention to it. As long as you follow the guidelines above, you'll be on the right track. Contact a roofing company for more information.